Farrier’s Finish® is a liquid topical hoof dressing that combats the “hoof eating” bacterial and fungal invasions which cause white line disease, thrush, and poor hoof quality. It is also a conditioner that supports correct hoof capsule moisture balance in excessively wet or dry conditions.
Yucca plant extract is an ingredient in Farrier’s Finish®. Stabled horses are often subjected to stalls containing varying amounts of excrement. Urine and feces produce high levels of ammonia which is detrimental to the tissues of the hoof capsule. The yucca plant extract binds with this ammonia, reducing its harmful effects.
Problems it Addresses
Hoof cracks, old nail holes and poor hoof wall structure can allow microbes to invade resulting in crumbling hoof walls or white line disease. Thrush is a bacterial infection of the sole and frog often associated with wet environments.
Many commercial hoof products address these problems, but they often use chemicals that denature and destroy the protective function of the hoof. Formaldehyde, turpentine, pine tar and acetone will harden the hoof and make it shine; however, they cause the hoof to lose some of its elasticity, shock absorption, and its ability to allow oxygen to pass into the hoof capsule. A hoof wall without elasticity is more prone to cracking, and a hoof wall unable to “breathe” naturally cannot maintain healthy moisture content.
The Solution
Farrier’s Finish® contains a unique blend of ingredients that defends against hoof-eating microbes while maintaining proper elasticity and shock absorption of the hoof wall. Farrier’s Finish® not only protects and disinfects the surface of the hoof, but it also penetrates deep within the hoof wall to combat microbes at the foundation of the invasion. Unlike other hoof care products, Farrier’s Finish® does not utilize harmful tar or petroleum based chemicals.