Supplement loyalty program
Buy 10 of the same supplement belonging to one of the following brands and get the 11th FREE!
- In order for the 10 purchased items to be counted towards the free gift they MUST be the same product, brand and size. The free item will always be the same product, brand and size of the previously purchased 10.
- Supplement Rewards Program is per individual customer. The tracking of the purchases will be conducted electronically as well as hard copy in the tack store. This will be kept on individual customer’s accounts. No combining customer purchases.
- Returned supplements will be deducted from the total.
- Participating customers consent to their contact information, past purchase tracking. This information will be shared with suppliers for proof of past 10 purchases.
- System Equine reserves the right to change, alter, or discontinue a program at any time.
- Customers with special pricing arrangements (dealer pricing, etc) will be excluded from the program.
- If an item is out of stock it will be placed on order for the customer and will not be counted until the customer has been invoiced for the purchase.