
We are the Manufacturer

The System-made advantage is access to some of the best horse stall designers and builders in the world. We are located right in Rockwood, Ontario, a small agricultural town with access to high quality, hardworking people that want to build you and your horses the best and safest equine equipment possible.

When building a stall system we can start with one of our existing styles, or from our client's ideas and inspirations for a completely unique design. We usually run with a four to 16 week lead time on projects, so be sure to start the process early enough to meet any deadlines you may have for your facility's construction or renovation. When you choose System Equine you get the full System experience, which includes honesty, integrity, and superior design and construction.

If you are interested in visiting us, please call and ask Dwayne or Kevin to take you on a personal tour of our facility.

We take every possible step to build value into the products we produce, from inventive safe latches, to hidden welds and unique designs. We are always looking for the best materials, products, and most advanced ways of building.
Kevin Job
VP of Production

Designs Inspired by Customers

Discover how a custom stall installation can transform your barn!